Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pondering the Perplexitites of the Poop Phenomonon.

After living with mostly all boys for the last twelve years I often think there is not much that can surprise or shock me anymore, I am often proven wrong on that assumption! I wonder how often other parents feel that way? Do your kids ever do something that is so out of left field that you just stop and say wow? And it is not always bad, sometimes it is dang funny!! So as I said I am surrounded by boys, except for my cute little weiner dog Marley :) and sometimes my baby sister Ray.

She is really cute, but you will just have to take my word for it because I just searched for a picture of her for a long time and I can not find one. My dog, not Ray, well Ray is cute too, but I was not talking about her. Ok this tangent needs to stop!

Ok so, what was I talking about? The Poop phenomonon, so what is this about? Why do little boys always talk about poop and farts and other bodily functions?  My boys also will burp and fart when company is over and they just laugh and go on about their business. For the life of me I cant not understand, and I know people will probably think that we do not teach them manners, BUT believe me it is not like I have not tried. No matter how many times I tell them not to fart in front of company they just don't care, luckily they now know the meaning of excuse me, so that is something at least.

Any mothers who have all girls (and even maybe just one boy) probably do not have to listen to the constant talk about poop and farts? I could be wrong about that, but I am pretty sure little girls dont talk about that. I was once a little girl and all I really talked about was barbie and tea sets etc. When Case was little(he had no censor then and still does not now, that is one of things I love most about him, with his attitude he says to the world "hey world, here I am, take me or leave me I dont care".) so he would just blurt out "poop poopy poopy, everyone eats poop" at somebodies house I would be mortified and had no clue if I should laugh or scold him. Let me remind you I had very little parenting or real life experience at this time, so I would chuckle uneasily and go on with whatever we were doing. A couple years later along came Cortney, my bright, but awfully shy middle son who is so dang cute he is going to break a million hearts before he is twelve, without even trying. And it did not take him long to catch onto the poop talk, so now I had two little boys spouting off about it. I thought this was pretty strange. Than one day I saw something that I thought was really really weird.
I was at my brother in laws house and I walked partway up the stairs and I saw my little nephew on the potty, and than I noticed he was completely NAKED!! I was like what the heck are you doing kid? And he said "i'm poopin" LOL! as simple as that. I was like, "naked? with the door open?" He looked at me like I was the crazy one. Well I though ok this kid is weird, way cute but weird :) Than my lovely sister in law informed me that both of her boys pooped naked, well I did not know what to think about this, so I decided to pay close attention to my boys when they went to the bathroom, and guess what!! They both pooped naked to, and they were not shy about leaving the door open on numerous occasions either. This is very strange for me to find out. I still to this day don't understand it, and all three of my boys poop naked or have.(I don't know if the older two still do, I usually don't see them in the bathroom anymore, they are getting to "THAT" age.) Now that Colton has gotten to the poop talk fascination age, it seems like that is all I ever hear about. Three boys all yelling and laughing and talking about it, and making fart noises. I still don't get what is soooo fun or funny about the sound of a fart??!And man if I thought my two older boys were bad Colton is definitely the worst. If he even hears the word he laughs and laughs, sometimes he has to run to the bathroom because he has been laughing so hard that he almost pee's his pants. And he does not give a thought to where we are or who is around us, if he wants to make a joke about farts or poop he will. I am really surprised that their dad has not shown them how to make an armpit fart yet!! So I have finally realized that little boys are sooo different than little girls!! And Now when the fart and poop jokes happen. I just shrug it off and think man my kids are so funny, and mostly normal, unless...........this might just be a Weight family thing hahahahaha!